The Webs-a-gogo Shopping Cart
Versatile, Powerful, Simple & Secure!

Your Webs-a-gogo Module website (WAG-MOD), has a built-in products and service catalog based on a Department and Category hierarchy.  This catalog is setup to use any one of three Shopping Cart methods.  They are:, PayPal or Manual Processing.
If using or Manual processing, your Webs-a-gogo Integrated Shopping Cart works to track stored data on every customer you have.  You can use this data for Reporting, Notifications, Marketing, etc.  With this method, all customer data is kept in your website's database for a variety of customizable functions.
However, if you are using the PayPal shopping Cart method, then your Catalog will display pre-made PayPal buttons on each product item detail page.  These buttons are customizable according to each product in your catalog.  The only difference is that when your customer clicks the buy now or add to cart button, they are sent to PayPal's website for checkout instead of your website.  You can then track all purchase data at your PayPal account.
While we do highly recommend or manual processing for use with your Webs-a-gogo Catalog and integrated shopping cart, we suggest that new website startups working on a tight budget, start with PayPal.  Once you are up and stable, and can afford the monthly fees of $40 to $50, you can switch to
For more information on what is best for you, contact your web specialist at Webs-a-gogo. Click here.